Taylor Elementary Title I
Title I is a federal program that provides funding to schools to help achieve learning goals. The funding amounts are based on need. The federal government looks at the economic needs of each state to allocate funds. Our state government then looks at the economic needs of each district to allocate funding. Each district then decides the best allocation plan to meet their needs.
Our district looks at the economic needs of each school based on the percentage of students who are qualified to receive free and/or reduced lunch services. The district identifies the eight schools with the highest need and allocates a percentage of the funds to each school. The allocation is based on the number of students in the school and the extent of their need. Title I funds assist each school as they work towards meeting high academic standards for all students.
Title I Information and Parent Notification of Teacher Qualifications in English and Spanish

Title I Parent Compact in English and Spanish

Taylor Elementary School Report Card in English and Spanish